10 articles
Fear Free IntegrationSay goodbye to additional paperwork and forms with our custom-built integration!
Pet Assure IntegrationIf you're a Pet Assure practice, you can seamlessly discount all Pet Assure members—without manual validation.
LifeLearn ClientEd IntegrationThe LifeLearn ClientEd integration allows you to attach articles to products, diagnoses, and SOAPs to further educate your clients.
Vetsource Prescription Management Integration (Beta)Streamline your client's prescription experience through the Vetsource integration.
Vetcove IntegrationLearn how to integrate with Vetcove
Midwest Veterinary Supply Marketing IntegrationSegment your client database and execute marketing campaigns based on your client's service and purchase history with Midwest Vet Supply
WaitWell IntegrationAn advanced queue management platform designed to streamline emergency care visits
Cubex: Integration OverviewAutomatically check patients in and out and send order from Shepherd to your Cubex device.
Cubex: Integration SetupHere's how to connect the Cubex and Shepherd integration.
Cubex: Utilizing the integrationHere's a guide on how to utilize the Cubex patient and profile integrations.