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Cubex: Utilizing the integration

Here's a guide on how to utilize the Cubex patient and profile integrations.

Updated over a year ago

How it works

Follow the steps below to utilize the patient and profile integrations.

Patient Integration

When a patient is checked in within Shepherd, the patient will sync over and activate at the cabinet. When a SOAP is locked, the patient will deactivate at the cabinet.

  1. Open the patient’s appointment within Shepherd. Select the ‘Check In’ button, or update the Appointment Status to ‘Checked In’.

  2. Or you can check in the patient via the Patient sidebar.

  3. Whenever the patient is checked in within Shepherd, then this will activate and display the patient at the Cubex device.

  4. At the end of an appointment, after an invoice and payment has been received, update the status of the SOAP to ‘Locked’. This will deactivate and remove the patient at the Cubex device.

Profile Integration

When a treatment or prescription is prescribed to the patient, then this will sync over to the cabinet.

  1. To send over a med order to the Cubex inventory device, go to the active patient’s SOAP.

    1. Within the P section, select each item you wish to issue from Cubex.

    2. Click Administer Treatments. Once clicked, the order will send over to the Cubex cabinet.

  2. You can also order a prescription in-house to send over to the Cubex cabinet. Go to the active patient in Shepherd, and navigate to the RX tab within the SOAP.

    1. Add the item you wish to issue in-house and select Save. Once Save is clicked, the order will send over to the Cubex device.

  3. You may also send walk-in orders to the Cubex cabinet. This will temporarily activate the patient at the Cubex device, and will send over the walk-in order ready for issuing.

  4. Select the active patient to issue a med order at the cabinet.

  5. Select the treatment ordered from Shepherd, at the Cubex device. Now select Issue, walk through the Cubex issue process, and retrieve the item from the device. You are now done!


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