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Release Notes | 4.6.22

Recurring appointments, messaging updates and reminder postcards.

Updated over a week ago

New Features

Recurring Appointments and Time Blocks

You can now schedule recurring appointments for patients as well as time blocks for things like same-day appointment slots. For more information, click here!

Print Reminder Postcards In-House

You can now print reminder postcards in-house directly from Shepherd. Check out the help article for more information. Reminder: you still have the option to print and mail postcards using Postcard Mania so you do not have to process them in-house.

Custom SMS and Email Appointment Templates

You can now create custom text message and email appointment notifications. These settings are available under Admin > Scheduling.

Feature Updates

Messaging Updates

Assigning Users

You can now assign text messages to users for direct notifications! After a user is assigned and a client replies, that user will see a notification dot in the main menu. You can assign multiple users to a message, but once one of the users has read the new message, the notification dot will be removed.

Turn Off Messaging

You can also now disable the message center if you do not want to send any two-way text messages. Disabling the message center does not turn off the automatic text message appointment reminders.

After Hours Auto Response

You can now create a default text message that will be sent as an automatic reply if a client sends a text message outside of your scheduled office hours.

Do Not Disturb Hours

Appointment reminder text messages will now only be sent during the hours of 6am and 8pm for your local timezone.

Logging Users

Within each text conversation, you can see which user sent the message to the client.

Invoice Updates

You can now see a "payments" section directly on an invoice for easier reference of what payments were applied to that invoice.

Integrated Payment Processing Updates

Use Terminal

You will now see a toggle to "Use Terminal" when processing a payment. When you select "Use Terminal" you will be able to swipe a card, select manual entry, or select a saved card without first having to select a payment type. This will also allow you to log a payment within Shepherd if it was processed outside of the integration, for example, directly in your payment processing portal.

Refund Improvements

You will now see an option to refund a payment directly from the payment listing.

Deleting Payments

You will now see an option to manually delete a payment that was processed through the integration. This is helpful if you made an adjustment to the payment directly in your payment portal and need to update Shepherd to reflect the changes made.

Inventory Improvements

Activity Logs

You can now see activity logs within inventory to know what user created purchase orders, added or edited inventory items, etc.

Vendors and Locations

You can now deactivate inventory vendors and locations.

Boarding Calendar Improvements

Boarding reservations are listed directly on the client and patient profiles now so you have quick access to upcoming reservations.

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