Tip: If you already have MicroVet products/services in your Shepherd product database that are not mapped to MicroVet, we’d recommend either:
Changing the existing name to make it clear it's not mapped to MicroVet
Deactivating all non-mapped products
Note: You need to set up your MicroVet integration if that hasn't already been done.
Adding a MicroVet Service
First thing's first: we'll need to open up the MicroVet database, which is found in your practice's products and services database (Admin > Products > Lab Integration Products > MicroVet Products)
Next up: let's add a MicroVet service to your Shepherd database:
Deactivate the 'Show Mapped' toggle
Once services have been added/mapped, they will display by default when viewing the main MicroVet database
Search for the service you want to add
You can search by lab name or code in the main search bar
Select 'edit' from the actions section on the right-hand side
Select the 'active' toggle to add the service to your mapped products
Select 'Product Settings'
From here, you'll be able to customize your product settings
If you would like to add a group of MicroVet services to your database, you can select the checkbox on the left of each service for 'Add to Products'. After this, you will need to enable to 'Show Mapped' toggle to then edit/customize the services just added.
List Prices & Default Markup
If you add a default markup on the main MicroVet Products page, this automatically adds the markup to new products as they are mapped. Note: if you add or change the default markup, this will not be retroactively added to already mapped products.
The default markup is used to calculate the selling price based on the standard list price.
Note: at this time, MicroVet does not send over any list prices through the integration, so you will have to calculate your selling prices manually.
Editing/Updating a MicroVet Service
Open your clinic's lab integration products section (Admin > Products > Lab Integration Products)
Select the MicroVet Products tab
Search for and select the service you want to edit
Select the 'Product Settings' button
Changing Product Status From Inactive to Active
If a product status is changed to inactive by toggling off 'Active' the product will then populate in the inactive status. It does not go back to being un-mapped again.
To activate an inactive product:
Filter status under mapped products
Select the box to mark the product active
Make edits to the product as needed