Products and services encompass everything that can be on an invoice. Whether it’s medication, procedures, examinations, food, etc., they will all be in the ‘Products’ section of Admin.
To get to ‘Products,’ click ‘Admin’ and then click ‘Products.’
NOTE: Lab and diagnostic imaging integration products will be visible under the last tab if applicable. For more information on your lab or diagnostic imaging integration(s), search the specific integration in the help center for detailed instructions.
Product Categories
Every product needs to belong to a category. On top of helping keep your products and services organized, categories provide each product with an overarching set of rules that help ensure your charges and production tracking are accurate.
Adding a New Product Category
To add a new product category, click the ‘Add New’ button on the top right of the screen.
When you add a new category, the first thing you’ll need to give the category a name. You can also give the category a parent category. For example, if you’re making a ‘MRI’ product category, your parent category could be ‘Imaging.’ You have the option to create a new Parent Category within the New Product Category page under the Parent Category dropdown (first option).
You’ll also need to decide whether or not the category is discountable; if so, toggle on the Client Discount Eligible option.
Additionally, you can mark this product category eligible to track production for any prescription refills performed for products assigned to this category.
NOTE: The doctor will be paid for the post-discount production amount, not the pre-discount. So if a doctor issues a discount, it will impact their production total for that line item.
Dispensing Fees
Dispensing fee groups can be set up from the main products section and then applied to each product and service. You can also add an individual dispensing fee to a particular product.
Common dispensing fees include Rx, Box/Bottle, Injection, and Controlled Drug. Dispensing fees will always be added to the selling price, but the client will only see the total price.
Products and Services
This is the tab you’ll land on when you click on ‘Products.’ It’s where all of the products and services your practice offers live in the Shepherd database. From this tab, you’re able to:
Search for a product or service
Sort products and services
Filter by category or product type
View/edit a product or service
Add a new product or service
Add a Product or Service
To add a product or service, click the ‘Add New’ button on the right side of the screen. When you make a new product, you’ll have to fill out the following fields:
Depending on the ‘Product Type’ you select, you’ll have to add different fields that support that product type (since things like ‘Injectables’ and ‘Services’ require different kinds of data attached to them).
NOTE: Check out our product type guide for more info on the different product types available.
Discharge Instructions
Automatic discharge instructions can be linked to products and services as well as diagnosis. When a discharge instruction is linked to a product or service, when that item is administered in the SOAP or a prescription is added in the Rx tab, the discharges will automatically populate.
Use the toggle in the Discharge Instructions box to turn on custom automated discharge instructions for the product.
Enter your custom discharge instructions
Copy/paste the variables detailed to the right of the open text field to add a personal touch to the client's experience
Add any documents you wish to include when the product, service, prescription, or diagnosis is added in a patient's SOAP
If you utilize our LifeLearn ClientEd integration, you can also import a ClientEd article here
Automatic Tasks
Adding a task to a product or service means that, whenever that product or service is administered, a task will automatically be created in the ‘Tasks’ section of Shepherd.
When you add a task, you’ll need to give the task a name as well as a due date. You can have the task automatically assigned the task to a user interacting with the SOAP (supervising doc or assigned user) or no assigned user.
Automatic Medical Record Notes
You can set up a medical record note to automatically populate when that product or service is administered in the SOAP. This helps save time from having to type the same details many times. When a treatment is added, the note will populate under that item in Tx History where you can make any edits and then apply the note. (It will not automatically apply to the record.)
Default Prescription Directions
To save time, you can create default prescription directions for your medications. Anytime you create a new Rx, both within and outside of a SOAP, the default directions will pre-fill but can also be edited on an as-needed basis.
To add default prescription directions, toggle on "Product Default Directions"
Automatically Update Patient Status
When a service is administered, it can automatically update the patient status to Female Spayed/Male Neutered or Deceased.