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Physical Exam and Forms Input Guide

A guide to the input fields available when creating a physical exam template as well as client consent or internal form templates.

Updated over 11 months ago

When setting up physical exam and form templates, there are several kinds of input elements to use. When you are creating a template you will have fields and input elements available. Think of fields as placeholders where you want the information to go and the input fields as what information you want to go there. Input fields can have pre-populated text or be set up as blank fields to use when using the exam.

Input Elements

Short Text

The Short Text input is a shorthand text field. Subjectively, they work best with things that don’t require a lot of explanation.


A Textarea is similar to Short Text, but it allows you to have more room to go into more detail.

Rich Text Box

The Text Editor is the most robust of the text fields. Not only does it allow you to write as much text as you need, you’re also able to format that text.


The Select input appears as a dropdown and allows you to add multiple options for selection. It only permits one value to be selected when using the template.


The Multiselect input is similar to Select and allows you to add multiple options for selection. However, you can select more than one value when using the template.


The Radio input acts similarly to the Select input in that it only allows you to make one selection per value. However, the Radio input will show all of the selection options that were available rather than just what was selected when using the template.

Body Map

The Body Map input allows you to add a default selected map that will load automatically or a map placeholder where you would select the appropriate map when using the template. You can also choose to have the option to select a previous body map created for that specific patient when using the template.


The Date input is only available on form templates and allows the user (client or team member) to select a date when the form is being completed.

Initial and Signature

The Initial and Signature inputs are only available on form templates and allow the user (client or team member) to sign their initials or signature when the form is being completed.


The Table input is only available on form templates and allows you to create columns and rows, which then can be used for additional inputs. For example, you can have a text input in one cell and a date input in another cell.

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