Streamline employee time tracking with Shepherd's Time Clock feature.
Key Features
Elect existing Shepherd users to clock in and out
Optional daily alert for employees to clock in after logging into Shepherd
Custom pay period lengths and time off options
Modify clock in and out times with admin permission
Add paid or unpaid time off
Export individual time sheets or collective time sheets for payroll
Allow employees to view their hours for each pay period
Enabling Time Clock
To enable Time Clock, complete the following steps.
Step 1: Enable Time Clock Toggle
Under Admin > Clinic Settings > Settings tab, locate the Time Clock toggle in the 'General' section.
The 'Setup Instructions' link will direct you to this help article.
Select the green 'Save' button at the bottom of the page once the toggle is enabled.
Note: Once the toggle is enabled, a new 'Time Clock' permission will be available under Admin > Users > Roles. Users with this permission can complete the steps below and access time sheets.
The Practice Owner and Admin roles have the Time Clock permission enabled by default.
Step 2: Set up Pay Periods and Time Off Options
A new 'Time Clock' menu option will appear under Admin.
Enter the start and end date of your current or next pay period on the new page.
A preview of the pay period appears immediately after entering a start and end date.
An option to "Alphabetize employees by first or last name" is also available when exporting timesheets.
Next, select from the pre-populated 'Time Off Types' or create new types that suit your practice's needs.
Select the blue 'Finish Setup' button.
Note: You can modify Time Off Types after completing this setup process.
Step 3: Review Settings
After completing steps 1 and 2, the Time Clock settings page appears. Here, you can review the pay period length and time off types. You'll also have the option to enable Alerts.
An optional feature will alert employees with clock in/out permission to clock in immediately after logging into Shepherd for the first time daily.
A pop-up alert will contain the current time with the option to enter a note and clock in.
Step 4: Enable User Clock In/Out Permission
Locate the employees requiring clock-in/out permissions on the 'Users' page under Admin.
You will find a new 'Time Clock' checkbox when editing existing users or adding new users.
Select the checkbox and click the green 'Save' button.
Time Tracking
Clocking In and Out
To clock in, click the play icon on the top right of the application.
A modal appears with an optional note field and a Clock In button.
Once the user clocks in, they will see a stop icon instead of the play icon.
When the user is ready to clock out, they may click the stop icon.
Lunch Breaks and Time Off
For breaks, users can clock out and add a note notifying admin users that they are clocking out for lunch, for example.
In the scenario that an admin manually clocks an employee out, the next time the employee clicks the clock in/out icon, they will see the following:
Read-only Timesheets
Employees can view the number of hours they have worked in their profiles. Once they login, they will click on their name in the bottom left > My Profile > Time Clock. They can select a specific pay period to view from the 'Pay Period' dropdown.
How Shepherd Calculates Total Hours
Shepherd calculates the total time worked in a pay period by adding up all the hours and minutes. The total number of minutes is converted into hours, and the remaining minutes that do not add up to an hour are added as minutes.
Employee works:
Monday = 8hrs 15min
Tuesday = 8hrs 25min
Wednesday = 8hrs
Thursday = 8hrs 16min
Friday = 8hrs 11min
Total hours = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 (or 8 X 5) = 40
Total minutes = 15 + 25 + 16 + 11 = 67
Convert 60 minutes of the total 67 minutes to equal one hour (67 minutes β 60 minutes = 1 hour and 7 minutes).
Add the converted minutes to your total hours.
Your employee worked 41 hours and 7 minutes this week.
How Shepherd Converts Minutes to Decimals
To convert minutes to decimals, Shepherd divides the total minutes by 60.
For example, say your employee worked 20 hours and 15 minutes during the week.
Divide your total minutes by 60 to get your decimal.
15 / 60 = 0.25
For this pay period, your employee worked 20.25 hours.
Admin users with Time Clock permission can access Timesheets to modify clock in/out times, add paid/unpaid time off, and export CSV files for payroll.
Modifying Clock In/Out Times
Admin users can modify an employee's time in/out by clicking on the 'In' and 'Out' time fields and entering an updated time plus AM or PM.
If additional entries are necessary for the same day, hover over the plus icon next to the date and select the 'Add another entry' option.
You can delete time entries by clicking the trash can icon in the Out column.
A prompt will verify if you would like to delete the entry.
Adding Time Off
Next to the date, hover over the plus icon and select the 'Add Time Off' option.
A modal appears with the option to choose a Time Off Type and paid/unpaid.
View and Add Notes
Click the note icon in the 'Details' column to add an Admin Note.
Employee notes also appear in the 'Details' column.
To view saved notes, hover over the notes icon, and the note will appear.
Add Lunch Breaks
Click the hamburger icon in the 'Details' column to add an unpaid lunch break.
Unpaid lunch breaks get calculated when exporting time sheets.
Modifying Pay Period Dates
You can modify a pay period's start and end times by clicking the vertical ellipsis icon next to 'Pay Period' in the right column.
Changes to start and end dates impact future pay periods according to the pay period length from the Time Clock Settings page.
Adding a New Pay Period
You may create future pay periods by clicking the vertical ellipsis icon next to 'Pay Period' in the right column.
To calculate overtime, enter the number of hours you expect employees to work per week in the 'Expected Hours' section.
For example, ABC Hospital expects employees to work 40 hours per week. If an employee works 45 hours in the pay period, Shepherd will calculate 5 overtime hours.
Expected Hours can also be set per employee by clicking the vertical ellipsis menu to the right of the employee's name.
Approving Time Sheets
You must approve all time sheets before closing a pay period by clicking the 'Approve' button next to each employee's in the right column. A green check mark will appear.
Changes to an employee's time sheet before closing a pay period will require admin users to re-approve it.
Exporting Time Sheets
Admin users can export individual time sheets, all employee timesheets, or a custom range of time sheets.
Closing/Reopening a Pay Period
When all timesheets are approved, admin users can close a pay period.
Closing a pay period:
Locks employees' time entries
Generates a summary view of all employees
Allows users to export a summary of all time sheets in the right column by clicking 'Export Period Hours.'
To reopen a pay period, click the vertical ellipsis icon next to 'Pay Period.'
You may modify the pay period dates once it is reopened.
Activity Log
The Time Clock Activity Log tracks the following actions.
When Admin users:
Change Pay Period settings and Start/End dates
Close/re-open Pay Periods
Add/modify a Time Off type
Add/delete additional same-day time entries
Change clock in/out times
Mark a time entry as Overtime
Add/edit Lunch Breaks per time entry
Add Admin Notes per time entry
Enable/disable "Alert users to clock in after logging into Shepherd" setting
When Employees:
Add a note when clocking in/out