When you are using forms for client consent forms, there are several ways a form can be sent to a client. In addition to client consent forms, forms can be used internally for items like dental charts and anesthesia logs.
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Sending Forms
Forms can be sent from the Forms center directly, from a client or patient profile, or using an automation based on appointment type when an appointment is scheduled.
Forms Center
From the Forms center, you will find the form you want to send to the client, select the actions icon, and then Send.
After the form has been selected, you will be able to search for the client and patient you want to send the form. Note: you do not need to select a specific patient if the form applies to the client only, such as a new client or client update form.
After the client and patient have been selected, you can email the form to the client or copy a link to the form. With the link, you can send it via text message to the client through the message center or you can open the link on a clinic device for the client to complete the form in-house.
Client and Patient Profile
From the client or patient profile, open the Forms tab and select Send Form.
From there, you will select the form that you want to send to the client from the Form Templates and apply a patient if applicable.
After the form template and patient have been selected, you can email the form to the client or copy a link to the form. With the link, you can send it via text message to the client through the message center or you can open the link on a clinic device for the client to complete the form in-house.
Automatically Send for Scheduled Appointments
Within your form template, you can select specific appointment types when you want the form to automatically be sent when that appointment is scheduled. Note: that the 'Send forms via email' toggle can be turned off on an individual appointment if needed.
Form Responses
Once a Form has been sent, it will show as ‘Pending’ under the 'Forms' section of the client and patient profile and the 'Responses' tab of the Form center.
After the client has completed the form, the status will change to ‘Complete’ and then it can uploaded directly to the patient history.
Note: After the client submits a form, they will receive a completed copy in their email.
Adding a Form to Patient History
If you need to add the completed form response to the patient history, open the Forms tab from the client or patient profile and then select the actions icon to "Import Form Response".
You will then have the option to import the form to the general patient history or an active SOAP if the information applies to a specific visit.