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Release Notes | 9.28.22

Default prescription directions, pet portal customization and medical record export updates!

Updated over a week ago

New Features

Diagnostics Notifications on the Dashboard

If you use a lab integration within Shepherd, you will now see a pink bubble with a number next to the Diagnostics tab on the dashboard, indicating the number of new lab results that are completed and ready to view. Each individual order will have a red dot indicating it has not been viewed; remove the indicator by viewing the results directly from the dashboard or by navigating to the Assessment tab of the SOAP.

Default Prescription Directions

You can now save time by creating default prescription directions for your medications. Anytime you create a new Rx, both within and outside of a SOAP, the default directions will pre-fill, but can also be edited on an as-needed basis.

Patient Label

From the patient profile, you can now print a patient label to be placed on various items such as pre-paid fecal tubes, dog beds, paper collars, and anything else you’d like to label with ease!

Pet Insurance Quotes & Claim Submission

You can now send custom pet insurance quotes to clients and submit claims on their behalf directly to the insurance carrier. Be sure to check out our help article for all the details!

Feature Updates

Exported Medical Records

We’ve been working on updating the design and functionality of various patient exports. New icons and options have been added to send, download, or print records.

In this release, you’ll see updates on:

  • Full Patient Medical Record Export

  • Weight Chart Export

  • Patient Reminders Export

Coming soon….

  • Updates to exports for individual SOAPs, invoices, estimates, certificates, and more

  • New record download landing pages – we’re getting rid of zip files once and for all

Pet Portal Updates

Continued customization, design, and functionality updates provide your clients with a seamless experience.

Practice Customization & Design

  • Your practice's logo is now displayed within the client pet portal

  • You can now select from over a dozen home screen images and also change the color theme to better match your practice's branding

Functionality & Client Experience

  • The new home screen design now features shortcut buttons for quick navigation and a section to note upcoming scheduled appointments (with details!)

  • Clients can view their pet’s general information and medical history all together on the patient page. Prescriptions within each visit are now expandable and allow the client to view details and request a refill directly from the visit.

  • The appointment request wizard received design updates so that client will still view the navigation menu (and now clinic logo!) when requesting an appointment.

Client and Patient Information in Form Headers

When viewing a patient form online, client and patient information are now displayed at the top of the form.

Mass Communication Filters

You can now further customize your audience when creating a new Mass Communication from within in the Message Center. With this release, you’ll be able to filter your recipients by patient reminders. Select one or multiple specific reminders with the option to filter by the due date, custom date, or a date range.

Manually Resubscribe Client to SMS Notifications

In the client record under edit client, you can now manually resubscribe a client that has unsubscribed from SMS notifications. If the client has opted out from receiving SMS notifications, an alert indicator will provide instructions for the client to opt back in.

Global Search Improvements

Search results in all search fields across Shepherd have been optimized to narrow results as more characters are entered into the search field. The closest match to your search will appear as the top result and other possible matches appear below.

Deactivate Bundles

You can now deactivate a bundle you’ve created within your products, giving you control of the bundles your clinic offers at any given time. You can also of course reactivate a deactivated bundle too.

Estimates in the Lifecycle

You will now see all estimates included in the lifecycle regardless if they were created in or outside of a SOAP.

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