User Production and Commission

Tracking user production and commission, if needed, based on the administration of products and services.

Updated over a week ago

Production vs Commission

While similar, production and commission are a little different. Production can be tracked without commission or they can be used together if the user/veterinarian is paid on a commission basis.

  • Production tracking: tracks what treatments are administered under a user, generally the supervising doctor in the SOAP

  • Commission: the percentage of revenue a user receives from the production tracked (the treatments administered)

Why Should I Track Production?

Tracking production is a tangible way to measure not only how much revenue each production user is generating, but also compliance and patient care per user. Even if you don't give commission to those production users, it's a powerful tool for insight into patient care and different users' strengths and weaknesses.

How Does Commission Work?

When production tracking is enabled, you have the option to also include a commission percentage that will automatically be calculated on the production report.

Setting up Production Tracking

As mentioned earlier, setting up production tracking is a great way to measure overall performance — even if a user is not paid a commission.

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Users

  2. Search for the user and select their name

  3. Enable the Track Production toggle

    1. This will populate fields for product categories and if applicable, the commission percentage the user will receive

    2. Note: If you don't want to track commission, leave all percentage fields blank

NOTE: Within the Admin Clinic Settings, there is an option to include Rx refills in production tracking or not. Rx refills will always be tracked under the current prescribing doctor.

Setting up Commission Tracking

Once production tracking is enabled for a user, you can enter a commission percentage for each product category. Note: you can also adjust commission percentages for each production user from under the Product Category section in Admin.

Tracking Production/Commission by User

Who receives the production credit?

Production is tracked per treatment and will generally be tracked under the supervising doctor assigned to the SOAP at the time of administration. However, if another production user administers the treatment in the SOAP (i.e. another doctor), they will receive the production credit for the administered treatment—even if they're not the supervising doctor on the SOAP.

Note: the production user can be updated if a correction is needed.

Updating the Production User

If production was tracked under the incorrect user, or no user at all, you can correct the user under Tx History in the SOAP or on the invoice line item.

Tx History

To update the production under Tx History, select the three dots icon under the Actions menu for that line item and then select the new production user.


To update the production user on the invoice, select the three dots icon under the Actions menu for that line item and then select the new production user.

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