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Tasks Overview

Create tasks manually or automatically to help your practice run more efficiently and easily recall action items.

Updated over 3 months ago

Tasks are a useful way to organize and easily recall various duties. They are most commonly used for managing callbacks or follow up communications with clients, but they can also be used for internal tasks, such as remembering to complete nutritional food orders weekly, or completing routine equipment maintenance.

Task Creation

Tasks can either be created manually as needed, or through an automated configuration with your product codes.

Manually Created Tasks

You can create tasks as needed from the main tasks page, the client profile, or the patient profile. If you create a task from the client and patient profiles, their details will automatically be listed in the task.

If a patient is assigned to a task and the task has been completed, that task and details will be listed in the patient history. This saves you time so you do not have to re-enter any details in the patient's medical record after completing a callback!

Note: You have the option to include tasks or not when exporting the patient's medical record.

Automatically Create Tasks

You can set tasks to be created automatically when a certain product or service is administered through the SOAP. This is a great way to ensure consistent patient care and customer service and help keep your practice running smoothly.

To configure your retail codes to trigger an automatic task, first locate the item you want to define an automatic task for by following: Admin -> Products -> Search for the product code -> Select the edit pencil icon to open the product details.
Next, locate the Automatic Task toggle. You'll need to enable the toggle to begin defining your task details. Within the Automatic Task details you'll first define a title - which will appear as the main descriptor for the task within your task dashboard. You'll also define a due date for the task - for example, 2 days after an exam you want to trigger a task to follow-up with the owner to confirm that the patient's condition is improving.
Finally, select your preferred user assignment: Supervising Doctor, Assigned User, or None. This setting controls which user the task will automatically be assigned to in order to ensure tasks are most appropriately visible and accessible by your team based on responsibilities.

Viewing Tasks

All Tasks - Task Dashboard

Tasks load by default based on due date, with the oldest due tasks sorting to the top. With each date, tasks next sort based on priority, with urgent tasks sorting to the top. You can additionally sort tasks by various filters based on your needs and viewing preferences. Utilize the search bar if you prefer to recall specific tasks. Alternatively, there is also a quick filter to view tasks assigned to yourself, or due today.

Tasks by Patient or Client

You can also view tasks directly on a patient or client profile by selecting the dedicated Tasks tab.

Task Alerts

When you have tasks that are due today or overdue, you will see a red dot indicator next to the tasks menu item for a quick alert that something needs to be completed today.

Task Statuses

Tasks support various status options so you can most effectively organize, and track your tasks. Status options include: uncompleted, in progress, waiting, and completed.

Task Priorities

Tasks support various priority options so you can most effectively organize and recall your highest priority tasks first. Priority options include: urgent, medium, and low. Tasks default create as medium priority unless modified.

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