Release Notes | 12.6.22

Merge clients and add prescriptions from estimates to Rx tab

Updated over a week ago

New Features

Clients | Merge

You can now merge two client profiles so that records and patients appear in one profile. If you have a set of co-pet-parents that both bring a patient or patients for care, they may have wound up with 2 client profiles - this can complicate finding client or patient records and reporting! Now, you can combine patients, records, histories, and more into one profile with the new Client Merge feature. You'll have the option to merge financials and add the secondary client as a co-owner on the merged profile.

Click here for our article on how to merge client profiles!

Feature Updates

Estimates | Adding prescriptions to the Rx tab

When creating new or importing existing estimates from the SOAP Summary page, you can now select which products from the estimate should go directly to the Rx tab (as opposed to the Plan).

Prescriptions added to the Rx from an estimate will appear on the Rx tab under the Pending Prescriptions section. Click the edit icon to make changes to the prescription details.

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