Release Notes | 8.17.22

Active users in a SOAP, multiple sales tax rates, LifeLearn integration & more!

Updated over a week ago

New Features

LifeLearn ClientEd Integration

We are now integrated with LifeLearn ClientEd which allows you to attach client education articles to your products, diagnosis, and individual SOAPs to further educate your clients. Learn more.

Show Active Users on the Schedule and in a SOAP

You will now be able to see when another user is active on the schedule or within the same SOAP to help avoid double booking or overriding someone else’s changes in the medical record.

Multiple Sales Tax Rates

You now have the ability to choose to collect sales tax based on your clinic address or based on client address if you are a mobile practice. This allows you to collect sales tax based on multiple tax rates if needed.

Automatically Print Discharge Instructions

Within clinic settings, you can now toggle on the ability to have discharge instructions print automatically with the invoice.

Print Multiple or Specific Invoices

You can now use checkboxes to select all or specific invoices/payments from the client page for send, download, or print

On the invoices tab under "remaining balance", you can use the same checkbox functionality to select all or specific invoices to print statements or Invoices

Rx Refill Email & SMS Notifications

After completing a prescription refill, you can now choose to send the client an email or text message update alerting them that the prescription is ready for pick up.

Feature Updates

Schedule Improvements

You can now collapse the monthly calendar on the left side of the schedule to increase the visibility of the providers. Note: you can also collapse the main menu which will also collapse the calendar and offer more space for the providers.

You can now also add custom colors to blocked-off times.

Pet Portal Updates

You can now manually change the status of an appointment that has been requested through the portal if it was verbally confirmed with the client rather than through the portal.

You can now also edit an announcement after it has been published, duplicate an announcement, and unpublish an announcement.

Mass Communication Updates

Additional filters were added under mass communication so you can now filter for things like specific products that were invoiced, client referral sources, patient species, age, etc.

You can now also add text formatting on mass communication emails.

Office Closures

The office closures section has returned to the clinic settings to easily set days when all providers will be unavailable.

Reminders, Vaccines, and Rabies Certificate Updates

You can now email reminders, vaccine certificates, and rabies certificates directly from the patient profile.

Physical Exam Templates

You can now mark a physical exam template as inactive instead of deleting it completely. This will allow you to mark the template as active in the future if needed.

Minimum Product Pricing

You can now set a minimum price on all products and services, regardless of the Shepherd product type.

Invoice Updates

You can now click an item on an invoice and be taken to the source of creation (treatments, prescriptions, etc.).

On printed invoices, you will now see reminders grouped by patient for multiple patient invoices.

Form Updates

When a client has completed a form, you will now see a red notification badge alerting you that there is a new response.

Inventory Updates

You can now search for an item on the purchase order tab to quickly see what purchase orders include that item.

When processing an item return, you will now be able to return it directly to inventory.

Messaging Updates

You are now able to see which user closed an SMS conversation within the client activity log.

Payment Updates

You can now edit the date of a credit balance payment. Note: this is based on user role permissions.

Client Primary Number Notification

You will now see the bell icon next to the client’s primary phone number rather than next to all of the notification preferences that are enabled.

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