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Product Categories

Create and edit product categories to organize your products and services—as well as add product discounts by provider.

Updated over a week ago

Product Categories

Every product needs to belong to a category. On top of helping keep your products and services organized, categories provide each product with an overarching set of rules that help ensure your charges and production tracking are accurate.

To get to ‘Product Categories,’ click ‘Admin’ and then ‘Products.’ From there, click on the ‘Product Category’ tab.

From the main Product Categories tab, you’re able to do a few things with product categories:

  • Search

  • Sort

  • View

  • Add New

  • Edit

Searching for a Product Category

To search for a product category, type its name into the search bar at the top left of the screen. The list below will automatically filter to results that have the text you’ve typed in.

Sorting Product Categories:

Select the arrows sort icon to sort product categories by:

  • Name

  • Client Discount Eligibility (Select the 'Sort' icon in the filter modal)

  • Status (Select the 'Sort' icon in the filter modal)

Viewing/Editing Product Categories

Select a row to view/edit the product category.

Viewing a product category provides a quick, high-level overview of some of the basic contents of the product category. Make changes as needed and click 'Save' when you're done.

Adding a New Product Category

To add a new product category, click the ‘Add New’ button on the top right of the screen.

When you add a new category, the first thing you’ll need to give the category a name. You can also give the category a parent category. For example, if you’re making a ‘MRI’ product category, your parent category could be ‘Imaging.’ You have the option to create a new Parent Category within the New Product Category page under the Parent Category dropdown (first option).

You’ll also need to decide whether or not the category is discountable; if so, toggle on the Client Discount Eligible option.

Note: the doctor will be paid for the post-discount production amount, not the pre-discount. So if a doctor issues a discount, it will impact their production total for that line item.

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